Ofsted-rated outstanding
early education
for children in Willenhall
Let your child 'reach for the stars' under the care and guidance of our trained professionals.

Our Educational Programs
Learning Environment
At Tiny Talents, we take great care in ensuring that our learning environment arouses curiosity and provides exciting experiences for your child. We utilise our knowledge in various approaches to tailor the environment to meet the needs of all children.

Free Play
Children's learning is taking place all the time and we understand the importance of allowing them to freely explore and play.
During this time, our skilled practitioners 'plan in the moment' to extend play ideas and provide fabulous experiences.
Different areas are enhanced with planned resources so that all children have the opportunity for purposeful play, and an adult is always available to motivate and inspire young minds.
Children have an opportunity to participate in planned activities, enhanced continuous provision, or invitations to play based on the areas where they may require additional support or show a keen interest.

Snack and Lunch
During the free play session, children are encouraged to have a snack and have access to fresh drinking water.
Healthy Eating is important to us and we encourage and support parents in providing a healthy packed lunch for children attending all day.

Additional Support
We use a variety of toolkits such as WELLCOMM & Early Talk Boost to identify any developmental delays. This enables to provide your child with any support they may need quickly.
Children who have emerging or complex needs receive 5-10 minutes of daily 1:1 intervention to support them further.
We work closely with external agencies such as Speech and Language, Physiotherapy and Walsall Early Years SEND Advisory Team to ensure that your child receives specialist support if required.